October Charity Contribution

This month it is the turn of our Service Engineer Stuart Robinson to choose a charity.

Ewan was born with a condition called Cystic Fibrosis. CF causes a thickening of the fluids in the body which then start to cause problems elsewhere, like the lungs and the digestive system. 

Early on in his life Ewan spent nearly eight weeks in hospital following complications due to CF. 

Now that he is home Ewan has loads of daily meds, physio at least once a day, regular check ups at the hospital and a whole team of people checking that he's eating right, growing right, that his lungs are working and that everyone is doing everything they can for him.

It's not easy... but... he is a CF Warrior.

In the early days the CF Trust gave Ewan’s family the knowledge they needed about the condition.

They are an amazing charity and the only UK charity fighting for a life unlimited by Cystic Fibrosis. 

They fund research and clinical trials; they lobby businesses and governments; they educate clinical professional and hold awareness events all over the country and most of all they support families... like Ewan’s.

Team Ewan was made to help the the CF Trust to support CF Warriors all over the UK. There is amazing work being done by incredible people but that work costs money and Team Ewan needs your help to get it to them. 



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